We offer a large selection  to suit all  budgets.


Some cages are powdercoated while others are painted, from small wire cages suitable for finches, canaries and small fur bearing critters to the large wrought iron heavy duty wire suitable for the largest of parrots, kinkajoo or large fur bearing critters.

We carry breeder cages from the 24x17 inch to the large flight cages. We also have the playtop styles as well as dome top and flat top, gazebo styles as well as corner style. Some cages come with their own stand . A full selection of cage stands and playstands are available as well as dishes, perches and toys. New to our lineup are critter playpens suitable for when you are out at the beach or camping. They are fully inclosed with screen  windows and top so that your pet can enjoy the great outdoors with out worrying about bugs or predators.

 All cages are brand new and can be sold in the box or for a $25.00 fee ,we can assemble it for you and if not too far away , it can be delivered.

We will be adding pictures once we have the available . For more information and pricing please feel free to contact us at the fleamarket or email us. Thanks for looking.