We always have  an abundance of  babies available in  the following breeds. Lovebirds,Cockatiels, Parakeets, Rosellas, Sun Conures, Senegals, Amazons,Greys,cockatoos and other varieties are forthcoming in the near future
. All our babies are taken from the nests at about 10 days of age,  for hand feeding , till the babies decide they want to wean themselves. I start weaning them onto millet and pieces of fresh fruit such as apples  at about 5 weeks of age . None of our babies are pushed in weaning . We allow them to decide  when they wish to quit eating baby foods. Some babies take up to 3  months before letting go of the warm baby food.
 They get plenty of handling and love.  We let all our babies come out and play on a daily basis. So they become super sweet pets for their new owners .
 When you purchase one of our babies, you also receive  a bringing home baby package which includes, information sheets on the breed,care and upkeep of the baby as well as a sheet on some of the most comon toxins in the home to be aware of.Our babies go home with a sample pack of seed and millet, to help them adjust  more easily to their new surroundings.  We also offer our phone number and email adress to all new adoptive parents in case you have any questions or worries  once you  have your baby home . I also do a follow-up call in the first few weeks to  check that all is well and that the baby has adjusted and become part of the family. We accept deposits on all our babies as well as offer payment plans. 

We are increasing the breeds of babies available . If you do not see the one you are interested in, please feel free to ask us as we may have it and just not had a chance to add it to the site .